Kimberly creates three-dimensional mixed media art, which is technically defined as art with more than one medium. Her works are created with wood, paper clay, acrylics, copper, and glass. She begins by building a wood panel or box. Texture medium is added, and then as many as thirty layers of acrylic washes. She then sculpts onto the surface with a clay made from paper and a binder. The clay is then painted, and she adds leaves that have been embossed, painted, and cut from copper. Kimberly sometimes incorporate stained glass and found objects such as antique sheet music. The different mediums help tell the unique story of each piece.
As a native Texan, Kimberly grew up with a forest behind her home and spent her childhood playing and imagining amongst the trees. "The Secret Garden" was her favorite book as a child, and is truly the inspiration behind many of her creations.
Kimberly didn't start out as an artist, and she actually studied psychology in college. About ten years ago, she decided to pursue her dreams of making and selling art as a career. Her customers often tell her that she is very blessed to do what she loves for a living, and she couldn't agree more.
