Strong brushstrokes punctuated with color adds to the signature style of works by expressionistic artist Betty Jean Hoaglund. It's art like nothing you've seen before, and represents a richness and liveliness of emotion that pleases the eye and soothes the soul. Her creations will speak to you, and her artistic interpretations of her subjects will astound and inspire. Whether you have a commissioned idea in mind, or you'd like to add one of her existing works to your collection, enjoy browsing her portfolio and see what sparks your interest. "My favorite artist is the last one I've seen. " - Betty Jean Hoaglund Betty Hoaglund is an expressionist artist known for her eclectic style punctuated by color. Her art is in the homes of private collectors nationwide. She is a self-taught artist. Born in Chicago, Illinois she began her foray into the art world in junior high, winning a national art competition sponsored by a well-known retailer. Considering art more of a hobby than a career, she often sketched political figures and horse racing personalities. After college, Betty studied watercolor at the Oak Park Art League, and in school. She now works with a variety of mediums including watercolor, acrylic, oils, and gouache. Her most enjoyable artistic endeavor was the creation of the art and written copy for a popular licensed character. The popular calendar cookbook sold half a million copies in two weeks. No royalties, but the pleasure it gave her daughter was, as they say, "priceless". Although her main profession is the owner of an executive search firm, her journey into art has deepened. In June of 2012 she had her first solo show at KE Cellars in Rockwall, Texas. In the first two hours of her show, she sold six paintings and received four commissions. Betty has been in numerous shows in Rockwall, Dallas and Plano, Texas. Her work has also been in Cliques Gallery and Xanadu Online. She is author to a series of newspaper articles published under My Paint of View. She served two years as the president of the Rockwall Art League and is continuing her advocacy for the Arts by serving on the Board of Rockwall's Alliance for the Arts. Next came the successful launch of Artists' Gallery on the Square in historic downtown Rockwall, with her artist partners. Her next big creative leap for Betty is her joint venture in the coveted Uptown Downtown Gallery in Rockwall, Texas followed by painting on silk. Her luxurious one of a kind scarves and apparel with her fluid hand painted expressionistic style is a favorite with her existing fan base and attracting new ones.…
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